Polish Translator / Interpreter / Attorney / Polski Tłumacz / Adwokat i Notariusz na Florydzie / Dokumenty prawne na Florydzie i do Polski / Usługi Apostille
Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka, Esq. – Polish speaking attorney at Agnieszka Piasecka Law, PLLC
To schedule your first FREE consultation please call:
Attorney Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka, Esq. – Attorney / Lawyer in Florida
Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka, Esq. is an attorney / lawyer in the U.S.A. and Poland, has two Law Degrees and over 20 years of combined experience in Florida and in Poland. Agnieszka is fluent in Polish, Italian and English and can assist you with your legal needs in the U.S. and Poland. Agnieszka graduated Cum Laude from Stetson University College of Law in Florida, she also graduated with Honors from Jagiellonian University law school in Poland and studied International Law in Holland.
Before becoming an attorney in Florida, Agnieszka was a lawyer in Poland. Agnieszka’s goal is to be an excellent advocate and counselor for her clients and to aggressively fight for their rights. Although Agnieszka is a sole practitioner, she often co-counsels with partners in big nationally-recognized law firms and experts, therefore, no case is too big or too small! Having a boutique law practice, allows Agnieszka to devote personal individual attention to each case from A-Z, including personally handling her clients’ phone calls and personally drafting and filing all legal documents. Agnieszka’s clients are not charged for excessive overhead of running a big fancy law office.
Adwokat Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka, Esq. – Polski Prawnik w Clearwater na Florydzie
Adwokat Agnieszka “Aga” Piasecka jest polskim prawnikiem uprawnionym do praktyki prawa na Florydzie i w Polsce. Agnieszka Piasecka posiada dwa dyplomy prawa i ma łącznie ponad 20 lat doświadczenia prawniczego z Polski i USA. Agnieszka uzyskała Doktorat Prawa z wyróżnieniem w Stetson University College of Law na Florydzie oraz Magistrat Prawa z wyróżnieniem na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w Polsce. Agnieszka Piasecka studiowała również Prawo Międzynarodowe na Uniwersytecie w Tilburgu, w Holandii. Agnieszka mówi biegle po polsku, po angielsku oraz po włosku.
Przed przeprowadzką na Florydę, Mecenas Agnieszka Piasecka pracowała jako prawnik w Polsce. Celem Agnieszki jest zapewnienie klientom najlepszej reprezentacji prawnej oraz agresywna walka o ich prawa. Kancelaria Agnieszki Piaseckiej współpracuje często z dużymi renomowanymi na skalę krajową firmami prawniczymi i ekspertami, tak więc żadna sprawa nie jest dla mecenas Piaseckiej za duża lub za mała. Posiadanie własnej kancelarii prawnej pozwala Agnieszce osobiście prowadzić wszystkie sprawy od początku do końca poświęcając każdemu klientowi indywidualną uwagę. Klienci Agnieszki Piaseckiej zawsze mogą liczyć na bezpośredni kontakt podczas całej sprawy i osobiste przygotowywanie wszystkich dokumentów prawnych i sądowych przez adwokata.
Aby umówić się na pierwszą bezpłatną konsultację zadzwoń:
Serving all Florida and Tampa Bay (including Largo, Clearwater, Seminole, New Port Richey, Hudson, St. Petersburg, Pinellas Park, Tampa, Brandon, Riverview, Sarasota, Bradenton, North Port, Fort Myers etc.)
Tłumaczenie dokumentów prawnych / usługi apostille / polski notariusz
Free Polish Directory
The goal of this free Polish directory is to gather together all Polish businesses (big and small!) on one site to help Polish community in Florida to connect, find and support each other. Free Polish Directory is a non-profit website that is constantly growing and being improved. If you would like to have your Polish business listed here for FREE email us at:
(The administrator reserves the right to edit or reject certain ads.)
Free Polish Business Directory ma na celu zgromadzenie wszystkich polskich biznesów i kontaktów (dużych i małych) na jednej stronie, aby pomoc Polonii w Tampa Bay odnaleźć się i wzajemnie wspierać. Free Polish Directory to strona nieprofitowa, która jest stale rozbudowywana i ulepszana. Jeżeli chcesz, aby Twój biznes lub kontakt pojawił się bezpłatnie na tej stronie, wyślij email z krótkim opisem swojej działalności oraz zdjęciem na:
(Administrator zastrzega sobie prawo do edytowania lub odmowy zamieszczenia niektórych ogłoszeń.)
Our Free Polish Florida Business Directories WILL ALLWAYS BE FREE and is able to house hundreds of Polish Businesses. Please visit the link below for our complete optimized Polish Florida Business Directory:
You can also visit our local Polish Florida business directories by flowing the links below.
Free Polish Business Directory for all of Florida. Follow the links below to find local Polish Businesses in your area.
Polish Delis – Polish Foods – Polish Markets
Polish Wines – Polish Spirits – Polish Liquors
Polish Attorneys – Polish Lawyers
Polish Accountants – Polish C.P.A.s
Polish Realtors – Polish Real Estate Agents
IMPORTANT: Please note that all third party advertisements and links to other sites, where goods or services are advertised are not endorsements or recommendations by Agnieszka Piasecka of the third party sites, goods or services. The webmaster and Agnieszka Piasecka take no responsibility for the content of the ads, promises made, or the quality/reliability of the products, services, or positions offered in all advertisements. The webmaster reserves the right to reject and edit certain ads. Please read Website Advertising Disclaimer & Policies at the bottom of this page.
WAŻNE: Ogłoszenia i reklamy osób trzecich oraz linki do ich stron internetowych zawarte na tej stronie nie są osobistymi rekomendacjami Agnieszki Piaseckiej. Administrator tej strony oraz Agnieszka Piasecka nie ponoszą żadnej odpowiedzialności za treść ogłoszeń zawartych na tej stronie oraz za ofertę reklamodawców i jakość ich produktów i usług. Administrator zastrzega sobie prawo do edycji i odmowy zamieszczenia wybranych ogłoszeń. Proszę o zapoznanie się z Website Advertising Disclaimer & Policies na dole strony.
Website Advertising Disclaimer & Policies
This site may contain third party advertisements and links to third party sites. The webmaster and Agnieszka Piasecka, Esq. do not make any representation as to the accuracy or suitability of any of the information contained in these advertisements or sites and do not accept any responsibility or liability for the conduct or content of those advertisements and sites and the offerings made by the third parties.
It is each Advertiser’s own responsibility and liability to ensure that the content of their ads is true, accurate and not misleading. Advertising on the website is free and no fees or charges are collected from any advertisers. It is each advertiser’s sole responsibility to obtain and maintain any applicable and necessary licensure, certifications, insurance, bonding and fullfill any other requirments necessary to legally and lawfully sell their products, goods and services. Agnieszka Piasecka and the webmaster will not be held responsible for advertisers’ failure to comply with any legal requiremnents described above.
Third party advertisements and links to other sites where goods or services are advertised are not endorsements or recommendations by attorney Agnieszka Piasecka of the third party sites, goods or services. The webmaster and Agnieszka Piasecka take no responsibility for the content of the ads, promises made, or the quality/reliability of the products, services, or positions offered in all advertisements.
The webmaster reserves the right to decline any advertising. Classified ads that mislead visitors are prohibited. The webmaster and Agnieszka Piasecka are not responsible for the content of third party sites that are directly or indirectly linked from this site. Advertising on this site does not imply endorsement of the advertised product, company or service.
The webmaster shall have complete discretion to determine the acceptability of any and all advertisements and advertisers. Advertising agreements may be terminated without notice by the website administrator immediately if Advertiser posts improper or misleading content. In addition, the webmaster may, in its complete discretion, refuse to insert any other advertising that it deems misleading and inappropriate.